
Decision support

A clinical decision support tool that makes it easier to prioritise patient care

Visiba Triage supports healthcare professionals (HCPs) to better manage patient demand for services. The easy-to-read patient summary provides an immediate overview of patient need, enabling HCPs to confidently prioritise patient care.
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The patient summary

The easy-to-read patient summary gives an immediate and succinct overview of the patient's symptoms and urgency. Depending on deployments, the patient summary can be added to the patient record or is available to view in other systems.

  • Urgency

  • Symptoms in patients own words

  • Questions and answers

  • Images and video

  • Differential diagnoses and probability



The urgency rating is based on the Manchester Triage Scale and enables healthcare providers to quickly and confidently prioritise incoming cases. The recommended priority is only visible to the healthcare provider (not the patient), enabling them to confidently prioritise the patients who need care immediately, versus those who can wait or be safely signposted elsewhere.

Healthcare Professionals agree with Visiba Triage’s routine urgency classification in 91.6 % of cases.

Routine urgency refers to priority 6-8. This means patients can wait more than a day for medical attention.

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Differential diagnoses

The probabilistic model behind Visiba Triage (Red Robin)  presents a list of potential diagnoses that includes a measure of probability. Clinicians can use this to sense check their decision or to consider diagnoses they may not have thought of initially.

In 93% of cases, healthcare professionals agree with one of the top three diagnoses suggested by Visiba Triage. This is a measure also known as M3. 

95% clinician agreement in Finland

In 95% of cases clinicians agreed with one of Visiba Triage's suggested diagnoses - based on 50,000 triage sessions at the Finish healthcare provider Philajalinna.

clinical feedback loop

What is accurate triage?

There is much debate about how to assess accuracy in digital triage. Most academic literature concludes that more work is needed. However, we believe that clinician agreement is our best measure. If clinicians agree with our urgency and diagnoses suggestions then we're clinically useful and clinicians can use our tool with confidence. Which is why we use our clinical feedback loop to continually evaluate and refine our accuracy.


Plug and play

Integrate Visiba Triage into existing systems easily

Most healthcare providers have neither capacity, budget or appetite for wholesale IT system transformation, yet they know that they can work smarter digitally.

We understand this so have designed Visiba Triage to be used in conjunction with existing systems in a 'plug and play' manner. Whatever system you already use, Visiba Triage should be able to exist alongside it, or integrate into it, without creating extra workload for you.

FAQ about the decision support

Can I trust it?

Guided by our in-house clinicians and the practising clinicians who provide continuous feedback, everything we do is based on clinical input. As a clinically led organisation, our focus is on safety, accuracy and ease-of-use - so that clinicians are happy to trust our solution. We're also continuing to build the academic evidence to further assure clinicians of the safety and accuracy of Visiba Triage.

How accurate are the results?

There is no single agreed measure of accuracy for an AI-enabled triage solution. We believe that the best measure is clinical feedback agreement - but even this is not a single simple measure. When we talk about agreement it's only really meaningful when specific to a setting or particular urgency or diagnosis. We're happy to discuss these measures in more detail and answer specific questions.

How does the image analysis work?

Images are analysed by AI and the data fed into the probabilistic model in real-time, in the same way as the patient answers to questions are. This provides the model with more information with which to come to a diagnosis and urgency suggestion and also provides the images for the HCP to review.
Visiba Group AB
Adolf Edelsvärds Gata 11 Göteborg, 414 51
Phone: 0761993666