
smarter software. better healthcare.

Experience the impact of Visiba Triage

AI-enabled triage to ease capacity challenges in ICSs


system-wide solutions

Easing pressure on urgent and emergency services

Urgent and Emergency Care departments too often carry the load of an over-burdened system. With GPs at capacity and a system that some find too complex, patients present where they think they are most likely to be seen.

Effective triage that enables patients to be routed to the most appropriate point of care at first contact, can help.

Visiba Triage enables ICSs to leverage the power of AI to route patients efficiently - freeing up capacity in over-burdened services.

improving patient flow

Right patient, right place, right time

Visiba  Triage enables Urgent and Primary Care Providers to triage more effectively so that patients are prioritised appropriately. 'On the day' and emergency appointments are allocated based on need - creating capacity to care for the patients who need care most. 

Using Visiba Triage, NHS providers were able to:


de-escalate 73% of same day appointment requests

*service evaluation of enhanced patient triage at the front door of primary care.


resolve 38% more patient cases with home management/no onward referrals**

**early outcomes data from NHS111 provider.


triage patients in an average of 3 minutes per case

*service evaluation of enhanced patient triage at the front door of primary care.

smarter software. better healthcare.

Get in touch

If you'd like to explore how Visiba Triage could work in your ICS, get in touch.

Visiba Group AB
Adolf Edelsvärds Gata 11 Göteborg, 414 51
Phone: 0761993666